About Wisdom School

Thom Hartman, writer at Wisdom School

Welcome to Wisdom School, where we will learn:

  • What it means to be human

  • What is the nature of life

  • Why how we live can provide meaning and fulfillment

  • Discover where you will find success in relationships, work, health, and life overall

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Subscribe to The Wisdom School: What it Means to be Human

What does it mean to be human? What is the nature of life? How do we live with meaning and fulfillment? Discover where you find success in relationships, work, health, and life overall.


NY Times bestselling author 34 books in 17 languages & nation's #1 progressive radio host. Psychotherapist, international relief worker. Politics, history, spirituality, psychology, science, anthropology, pre-history, culture, and the natural world.
Nigel Peacock writes on UK politics and his fascination with solo travel around the world. Nigel also manages several Substacks for broadcaster and author, Thom Hartmann