Thom, you touched on this a week or so ago. That very day I commented that pre-cognative events had occurred with me, seemingly randomly, but several of them had connections to Portland, where you live and work. My first words to you were -- 'Quantum entanglement, IMO.'

Since then, my attention, both conscious and beneath the wire, is mingling more and more with phenomena that rely on a blend of 'energetics' that portray overlaps with each other, both in so-called 'time' as well as dimensional 'space.'

Three contemplations keep cruising around my awareness - What are the phenomena of time, energy and space? Can any of them exist without each other? Do they exist at all without a perceiver, an organism (in this case biotic) which exists somewhere, outside or inside or blended with any/all of them? Or are they exactly the same thing, only perceived as 'different' by the human organism? I am an ecologist, and work daily amidst millions of living things in the countryside. Each entity, grass, tree, shrub, bird, insect, earthworm, bacterium, fungi, rabbit, squirrel, and many, many more creatures, display behaviors that demonstrate that they are, individually or collectively, aware of time, space and energies.

Yet non-human biotic behaviors, in the past, present and potential future, interact very differently with these 'things,' as if there is actually no separation, no dualism, no conscious choosing or prioritizing.

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I wonder if even slime mold communicates with other parts of itself telepathically.

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The great paleontologist and philosopher Loren Eiseley once wrote that humans are like slime mold. When they devour all their hosts, they feed solely on their genetic corpus. It would seem to me that we have learned enough about 'us' to know that we are 'not us at all.' We are a massive composite of many energies, mostly working together in a harmony that our brains barely begin to grasp. I was literally gobsmacked by the notion of ecology in 1969, thanks to a radical ecologist (Joel Hedgpeth) who taught a field seminar on tide pools on the coast of Oregon. Thoreau, Eiseley, Commoner, Cousteau, Lily, Leopold, Berry, Pinchot and many others literally tore the scales off my eyes, one at a time, especially when I walked out any door into any wild place and let apperception take over my entire body. How do we 'know' when we are sick, or feel great? How do we sense when something is perfect or deadly dangerous and bat crap crazy? Our bodies constantly practice autophagy, and many/most of those cells are still alive when devoured by other cells. What are proteins, the living ones? Multi-dimensional entities that can morph themselves and all other biochemical structures/energies wham bam! How can this occur? Time and space and energy (TSE) are all the same, all one phenomenon, and as we view physics, photons may indeed be the next dimension that binds TSE into specific energy units we call matter. So yeah, slime mold knows itself, and how it tastes. Slime mold is a fungi, without a doubt one of the most amazing life forms on this planet, along with octopuses and crystals and photosynthesis and elephants and aurora borealis and everything else. Which is why humans need to STOP whatever they are doing and smell some roses, or lavender, or a decaying whale on a beach. As Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, 'There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horacio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.'

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“Fungi throw into question our concepts of indi-vidualitv and even intelligence. They are metabolic masters, earth makers, and key players in most of life's processes. They can alter our minds, heal our bodies, and even help us remediate environmental disaster. By examining fungi on their own terms, Sheldrake reveals how these extraordinary organisms- and our relationships with them-are transforming our understanding of how life works.”

About—Merlin Sheldrake from his book ENTANGLED LIFE

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A close friend of mine also pulled his car and family to the side of the road on a mountain ⛰️ cliff, pre-cognitively or intuitively avoiding an accident that followed. I just read your post today after watching an episode of MEDIUM about a woman who has precognitive dreams and visions, that catch murderers. She has a husband and three lovely daughters, two who also have their mother’s unusual abilities.

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I love that series!!!!

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As I have mentioned before, the universe works in an order.

Why do humans believe we are exempt from the processes of the whole?

I have a link about this… be back.

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