Quantum entanglement, IMO. I read your post first thing, then went to other threads. Three different dialogues were hovering around the topic, using different stories and language, but the energy was virtually undifferentiated. Three of the four have direct connections to Portland, no joke. I sense something the past few days, over and above the heightened tensions created by the human world's creep toward nihilism. I am being subconsciously directed, again and again, to events, behaviors and actions, unusual phenomena and lucid dreams that quickly turn into conscious realities. I see entropy as a constant energy with myriad potentials, including dissolution, creation, extinction, evolution, chaos, beauty and other pictures of possibilities that are not contras or affirmations of each other, or multiples of seemingly unrelated energies. In steps uncertainty, which is the wild card that corresponds quite heavily to the harmonic intentions of any/all observers, of any stripe that transcend the confines of dualism. In other words, an unknown quantity of possible realities all seeking expression, depending upon the intentionality and the energy of the observers. A possibility that strikes me is that observers of any reality are both creators of and cerations of the reality they are observing. But, of course, the outcome of the creators is not certain, regardless of intentionality. As previous and current physicists and thinkers have explored, there is some likelihood that both quantum energies and patterned disciplines that exclude or defy intentions, cooperate or share existence simultaneously, not unlike Schrodinger's Cat. I have no insights or conclusions about this situation right now, but I am certain I am on to something extraordinary. More to come, I am convinced..

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There is that phenomenon of "discoveries" in physics/science being made simultaneously by individuals with no contact and way around the world from each other. If only we could figure out how to work with whatever it is for good.

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As a male, it might sound counterintuitive to say, but I have a strong feeling that the less we do the more we will accomplish as 'forces' for good. Humans have, for no doubt the least productive of reasons, externalized 'problems' instead of discovering the inner sourcing of what we believe are issues. These phenomena do exist in the broader realm of reality as well, but if we cannot admit that we are also part of that eternality, created by us mentally and physically, then we are captured by the dilemma of dualism. In that case, we develop fears, of us vs. them, or threat vs. security, danger vs. safety, winner vs. loser, and so on. We cannot 'create' reality outside of our own existence, and existence is 'not ours' to manipulate. Verse 15 of the Tao te Ching observes, in part: 'Do you have the patience to wait until your mud settles and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving until the right action arises by itself? My best to you.

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Thank you for reminding me of I Ching #24 "The Turning Point." "The time of darkness is past." .... "There is movement, but it is not brought about by force." ...."....since these groups come together in full public KNOWLEDGE (my emphasis) and are in harmony with the time, all selfish SEPARATIST (ibid.) tendencies are excluded...." (Wilhelm/Bollingen etc.) But there is still action: "groups coming together." There is truth in paradox, (somehow) exhibited in what you say: ",,,."eternality, created by us...." "....existence is not ours to manipulate." Mystery.

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It’s refreshing to read your experience with thinking or seeing something just before it happens. I, too, have those experiences as far back as the ‘70’s. I still remember one from back then because it was so disturbing. Just before I woke up, I saw a car accident where the car burst into flames. I had no idea why I would dream that until I got home and watched the news that night that showed the horrific accident on the news. It gave me the chills. Over the years, I have often thought of someone and then received a call or an email. It’s good that it has been taken more seriously and studied. Thank you for sharing your experience and opening up this topic!

Cate Rogers

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This is as old as humanity and a fascinating phenomena. Like millions of others, I've also had some bizarre experiences. Personally, about 30 of mine fall into 6 categories: 1. Knowing something and not knowing how you know. 2. Miraculous rescues. 3. Desires fulfilled in unexpected ways. 4. Message about death....seems to have an electrical sense to it. 5. Connections with other people 6. Phenomenal order and timing. l suggest reading about 80 books about metaphysics to expand your (anyone's) perspective.

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Fun stuff to think about…and keep learning about

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Great minds.....(you know). You can't ignore Rupert Sheldrake's experiments with (book) "Dogs who Know When Their Owners are Coming Home."

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Mmerose, I was the person who stimulated Rupert to write his book on dogs. I was in his online forum from 1999 to about 2001 or 2002 when Matthew who ran the forum for Sheldrake closed the forum. I had seen a documentary of varied scientists having a discussion. Sheldrake was there with Daniel Dennett. Sheldrake asked Dennett about Dennett’s dog 🐶. I remarked how I admired Rupert’s push back and that same year he published his book 📕 on dogs. I was at a lecture of Sheldrake in DC, and to my surprise when I asked him if he thought the universe was ALIVE his response included quotes from personal stories I shared in his forum about my sheep. I mentioned that when I asked Terrence McKenna at his lecture in Oregon, ‘if the universe was alive’ he answered : “YES, it is alive because he had read Alfred North Whitehead.” Years later, Sheldrake became a pan psychic.

How Panpsychism Can Explain Consciousness


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Wow! A lion's share of my favorite people! "Darwin's Dangerous Idea" was a great favorite: I think it may be handy for re-reading. I envy your personal connections.

Definitely will visit the link. Thanks!

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Whoa, pulled up DARWINS DANGEROUS IDEA. There are 7 episodes of 2 hour video on Utube.

The documentary I had seen was :

A Glorious Accident. A documentary for VPRO by Wim Kayzer, first aired in the Netherlands in 1993 and on PBS stations in the United States in 1994. More info. Featuring Oliver Sacks, Stephen Jay Gould, Freeman Dyson, Rupert Sheldrake, Steven Toulmin and Daniel Dennett. It was a fascinating give and take of views.

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Here is a story of two strangers telepathically meeting before they met in person.

It was written by Robert Silverberg in PLAYBOY magazine. 😉



I know that if my parents or children are hurt I will sense it instantly no matter how far apart.

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I dreamed about both of my husbands before I met them. I was never a "journalizer," seldom make a note, but the note I found describing my second (unexpected!) husband was a stunner. (Found it when unpacking at his place, had forgotten all about it.) Absolute foresight, not precisely telepathy. So somethings going on....

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Ah, I had a recurring dream in the 80’s, of a house 🏡 located where there were acres of land per home. I was Not familiar with that type of setting. As my dream ‘drove’ by the houses, one had an unusual crooked fence. 25 years later I was looking at homes to buy in an other state. Found the one I liked on 5 acres in the woods. When I drove out taking a different route than when I arrived I saw that crooked fence in a neighbors yard. I didn’t ask to dream of a house in the future, it just happened. Yes, something is GOing on 😉…

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Well, there's a coincidence right there. I try to keep my posts short, but more detail about my 2d husband dream: it centered on a house I had not moved into nor seen yet. My note said it was "in a grove of gray-green trees, (maybe scrub-oaks?)" Turned out, it was an olive grove. Cue the Twighlight Zone theme....

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"You are about to enter another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. Next stop—The Twilight Zone." 🫥😬😮🫣😵‍💫🤩😁

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There is truth in paradox. Reality, and seeming reality. The harder one grasps, the more slips through their fingers. Fear, as I have often observed, is generated from unknowing that which must be known, but is known by the fearful as not known. Terror can only best be demonstrated by those filled with terror, a pain with no medicine, that must be expunged via projection/transference on the knowers. Imagine the terror of existing in the void of dualism, when all senses point to the emptiness of non-being, as something to be let go of, but fear of that void clings to the 'self,' as if the self can somehow conquer fears by creating the illusion/delusion of 'others' as responsible for those fears. This is where much of humanity now finds itself, led by the frightened, deluged upon by all those projected fears, being cheered on to both accept and assuage those fears as evidence of the danger from some 'other.' Paranoia is the prison from which all cries of grievance are shouted. Then, the deceptive promise of 'only I can fix it' is shouted from the rooftops. Believe me, the check is in the mail, and the betrayer is here to protect us all.

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