Metformin contains the active ingredient of guanidine, the active compound of the French Lilac (Galega officinalis), a plant used since the middle ages for the treatment of diabetes. The literature suggests that this may be available with a good diet of whole grain rice and turnips. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045206823002614

As the board-certified specialization of life style medicine moves towards to critical mass, we may well see more research on how we can use food as the ultimate medicine.

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I've read about metformin in David Sinclair's book and it appears to be a good palliative. But I have found the radical secret of aging and how to defeat it. If my method holds true (it has for me for 28 years, at age 76) then I am the greatest visionary and innovator in human history. I would love to share it in a private conversation and discuss its use with Thom and perhaps some other intellectuals.

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