I hope my first million words were practice, because they were mostly burgled from "Security" storage while I was in between residences. I still have the first million words, though. The glorious gush of some kind of benign nervous breakdown. When the idea of "automatic writing" turns up, oh man. So weird to look at what you scribbled the night before, and go: who knew that was going to happen? I have more than a book, but it's a jigsaw puzzle that may go down as: saved my sanity at the time.
I hope my first million words were practice, because they were mostly burgled from "Security" storage while I was in between residences. I still have the first million words, though. The glorious gush of some kind of benign nervous breakdown. When the idea of "automatic writing" turns up, oh man. So weird to look at what you scribbled the night before, and go: who knew that was going to happen? I have more than a book, but it's a jigsaw puzzle that may go down as: saved my sanity at the time.