THOM, I am so grateful to you.🙏

Because of your WISDOM School I joined this social media.

I have met many wonderful souls and enjoy absorbing and sharing views.

LEFT BRAIN MYSTIC answers many of the questions you have posed in your school.

This one is most uplifting


He brings together body, mind and spirit with out any holes 🕳️.

Hope you will take the time to check him out.

He has ADHD.

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This also posted yesterday on consciousness.

It references David Bohm and his view of implicate and explicate order.


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David Bohm’s said,

“Randomness is assumed to be a fundamental but inexplicable and unanalyzable feature of nature, and indeed ultimately of all existence…However, what is randomness in one context may reveal itself as simple orders of necessity in another broader context. It should therefore be clear how important it is to be open to fundamentally new notions of general order, if science is not to be blind to the very important but complex and subtle orders that escape the coarse mesh of the “net” in current ways of thinking”.

If more scientists like Bohm were willing to treat physics as a quantum organism rather than as quantum mechanics, we might get closer to a revolution in our understanding of the universe.“


Are humans part of the order or are we some how exempt???


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Birds 🦜, octopus 🐙, dogs 🐕, horse 🐎, fish 🐠, even termites have telepathy ❗️

Consciousness goes beyond humans…




Even plants 🌵 🪴 🌲 are sentient!



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Even if a thought 💭 influenced the double slit experiment 🔬, where did the thought originate?

If everything is connected is thought freely arrived at or is it from the wider pattern of all?

I ask this question because if the cosmos moves in a patterned way, why would humans NOT also be moved by that same wholistic process?

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Immediately several potential phenomena come to mind. Why would the quantum field be selective? If human consciousness/thought/observation might change some energetic action, could that not imply that said consciousness is connected to the process from inception to conclusion? Or, is said observed situation already altered from what the experimenter/observer believed was an unbiased setup? What about all the rest of reality that swirls around the experimental setup, such as the weather outside/inside the areas of the experiment, the forces of gravity, polarity, barometric pressure beyond simple gravitational forces, etc? And what about the collective or specific consciousness of all the rest of biota, nearby or on the other side of the planet from this experiment? If all 'things' are truly interconnected, would not these subtle but measurable differences be merely the influence of planetary connectivity? Now let us look at the concept of subtle, or slight, or minute as some type of physical or perceptive measure. Observation has been postulated for decades as a 'force' of influence. But is observation, by its very nature, impossible without bias, or is it inherently bias itself?

I play handball in a shoebox court with a ceiling, having taken up the sport in my 50s. The challenge to return a shot has up to 8 potential interactions between server hand, speed, spin(s) and contact with walls and floor. In a microsecond, you must choose a potential location for body and hand in order to return the shot. No matter how many times you play a shot, these potentials all exist. I want to return every shot, but I can tell you it is impossible to do so, because the ball often picks a randomness you cannot anticipate. You can be in 'the zone' and fly around with ease, but still be fooled or outmatched by the ball. I doubt this premise you have written about.

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